  • is presently studying in the master’s programme Sprachkunst (literature writing) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and before that in the bachelor’s programme translation and interpretation
  • lives in Vienna after several years in Geneva
  • teaches yoga and meditation
  • translates from German to French and English as well as the other way round
  • works with language, writes a lot of short stories and also not so short texts, some of which have already been published in anthologies and magazines for literature
  • is currently writing the first novel

short bio, in a nutshell

a bit longer
Since 2023, Master’s programme Sprachkunst, literature/ creative writing, at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Studied Transcultural Communication respectively Translation and interpretation in Vienna, Universtiät Wien, and Geneva, Université de Genève (French, English, German). Specialisation in literature translation. Bachelor’s degree in 2014.

In addition, internationally certified yoga teacher trainings (RYS 500 h).

Graduated from the literature academy in Leonding, year 2020/21.

Writes short stories as well as all kinds of texts and is currently working on the first novel.

Works as a freelance translator — basically in the field of theatre and arts — and as a yoga teacher.

Born in Lower Austria. Lives in Vienna since 2016, after several years in Geneva.

Work stipend for literature from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, BMKÖS, 2022, for the first novel with the working title “Grenzwertig“.

Literary publications, so far, amongst others in: Die Rampe, &Radieschen, Etcetera, DUM

Photo: Michael Strasser